Lions Foot

Download this map for Generals Zero Hour or Generals



My second 8-player map. Made this one in just a couple of hours (lots of coffe... i know). Not as detailed as Area Turns Red. Should be fun anyway.


Large areas for building with lots of options to expand your base. Three entrances/exits. Your closest opponent will be on the other side of a canal. You may even be able to see him build over there. A few civilian buildings, bunkers, and tents on this map. A central plateau with some goodies.


You start out near a supply dock, and there are two more of them within close range. You will not be the only one trying to get to them, so you better act quickly. The islands have Oil Refineries. There are eight Oil Derricks in total. The central plateau holds a hospital and lots of small supply piles.


Minken: "I hate those MIGs!"
Works excellent.
