Gravel Maze

Download this map for Generals Zero Hour or Generals



Minken: "Mu-ha-ha-ha!"
My second map. This map looks really good with desert textures (Desert Maze), but I wanted a dark, soily look. Unfortunately the editor doesn't come with a lot of textures for this setting so I ended up with a landscape of gravel and dirt. The yellow trees bring a feeling of autumn to the scenery. I worked my a$$ off to smoothen the mountain ridges since I made them too steep in the beginning. The problem with steep slopes is that you cannot paint them smothly since they consist of only a few polygons.


I started playing with the height tool, building mountain ridges and valleys in a symmetrical way. The result was a cross, that needed a few passages. As with any good map, every base should have at least three entrances so I created a central maze towards the middle of the map and roads forming a circle around the map to connect the bases on each side. You can cross the map over the mountain ridges as well. There is a watch tower towards the central part heading out from your base, and some building facing the very middle.


You start out with one supply dock and three supply piles. Directly behind your starting position - in the very corner of the map - is an oil derrick just waiting to be captured. There are more oil derricks along the side-roads between the base locations. In the central cavity are two supply docks with lots of extra cash waiting. If you gain control of this area you have a big advantage.


The AI works very well on this map. You might experience attacks from any of the three entrances at any time. Your base will be quite compact, so any super weapon will certainly find many targets.
